EMTP Chile:
2024 Joint Workshop on MR phase, magnetic susceptibility and electrical properties mapping

25th – 27th September 2024, Santiago, Chile

Full Program

Tuesday 24th September
  • 14:00 – 14:15 Welcome and introductions
    • Session 1: QSM for Clinical Research in The Brain[1]: How to move from consensus to clinical adoption?
  • 14:15 – 15:45 Part 1) Methodologists’ perspectives.
    • This session aims to identify current issues with the consensus implementations of QSM and plan and prioritize the next steps to clinical adoption. This is a discussion session to be chaired by Simon Robinson (Medical University of Vienna)
      • – Brief review of paper[1] impact
      • Issues with current implementation(s):
      • – In application in healthy subjects
      • – In application in patients
      • – Possible next steps towards clinical adoption
      • – Vendor developments
      • – Vendor-independent sequence implementation / recon
      • – Other “Challenges” (following [2],[3])
      • – Establishing a QSM atlas over lifetime, sex and other factors
      • –  Reproducibility testing (e.g. traveling heads)
      • – Standardising data sharing and comparability 
  • 15:45 – 16:15 Break and walking tour of Campus San Joaquin
  • 16:15 – 17:30 Part 2) How to identify what is clinically important This session aims to develop a framework for identifying and prioritizing barriers toward clinicaladoption, to focus our community’s efforts. This is a discussion session to be chaired by Ferdinand Schweser (University of Buffalo).
    • – What do clinicians want to use QSM for?
    • – What challenges do clinicians face when trying to apply QSM?
    • – How can we prioritize identified problems?
    • – Which communities should be engaged, and how do we engage them?
    • – How do we solve the problems?
    • – How do we disseminate conclusions and solutions?
    • – The ISMRM Unmet Needs Challenge as a blueprint? https://challenge.ismrm.org/2023-24-clinical-translation-challenge/
    • – How do we get it done?
  • Session 2
  • 17:30 – 18:00 “Extending the continuous Challenge” [4]. This is a discussion session to be chaired by Ashley Stewart (The University of Queensland)
  • 18:00 – 18:05 Closing words
  • 19:00 – 22:00 Reception and registration. Welcome event.

    Venue: Cervecería HBH (brewery and pub).

    Av. Irarrázaval 3176, Ñuñoa (Chile España metro station, Line 3)

Wednesday 25th September – Educational focus
  • 8:30 – 10:30 Joint session on Educational EMTP: Overview of technical foundations and clinical
    applications (Theater)
    Invited talks (moderated by: Mauro Costagli and Patrich Fuchs):
    • 8:30 Introduction to Magnetic Tissue Properties (QSM+STI) – Xu Li (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
    • 9:00 Applications and clinical research – Karin Shmueli (University College London)
    • 9:30 MR-based measurements of electric tissue properties at high frequencies – Ulrich Katscher (Philips
    • 10:00 MR-based measurements of electric tissue properties at low frequencies – Rosalind
      Sadleir (Arizona State Univ.)
  • 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break (Underground hallway)
  • 11:00 – 13:00 Parallel sessions on the State of the art.
    Invited talks on QSM (moderated by: Ferdinand Schweser and Yi Wang, Multipurpose room):
    • 11:00 Introduction to the QSM consensus paper – Yi Wang (Cornell University)
    • 11:05 Acquisition (protocols), Coil combination, and Unwrapping – Simon Robinson (Medical
      University of Vienna)
    • 11:35 Masking and Background Field Removal – Carlos Milovic (Pontificia Universidad
      Catolica de Chile)
    • 12:00 Dipole inversion – Pascal Spincemaille (Cornell University)
    • 12:30 Analysis and Presentation – Sina Straub (Mayo Clinic)
    • Invited talks on ETP-related technologies (moderated by: Ulrich Katscher, R28 room):
    • 11:00 ETP-related activities at Kyung Hee University, Seoul – HyungJoong Kim
    • 11:20 ETP-related activities at University of Tokyo – Takaaki Nara
    • 11:40 ETP-related activities at Technical University of Denmark – Axel Thielscher
    • 12:00 ETP-related activities at New York University – Ilias Giannakopoulos
    • 12:20 ETP-related activities at Instituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Torino – Luca
    • 12:40 ETP-related activities at Yonsei University, Seoul – Dong-Hyun Kim
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 – 15:30 Parallel sessions on Challenges in the field.
    Invited talks on QSM (moderated by: Mauro Costagli and Yi Wang, Multipurpose room):
    • 14:00 Clinical challenges in the brain – Christian Langkammer (Medical University of Graz)
    • 14:20 Clinical challenges in the body – Marcelo Andia (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de
    • 14:40 Discussion panel (invited additional panelists: Sina Straub and Ferdinand Schweser)
  • Invited talks and oral presentations on ETP-related applications (moderated by: Khin Khin Tha, R28
    • 14:00 ETP-related activities at UNSW, Sydney – Lindy Rae
    • 14:20 ETP-related activities at Sapienza University of Rome – Marta Cavagnaro
    • 14:40 Preliminary Phase-Based EPT in Parkinson’s Disease: Effects of Open-Ended Fringe
      Lines – Jierong Luo on behalf of Oriana Vanesa Arsenov (UCL)
    • 14:55 Optimising EPT to Assess Brain Conductivity in Tanzanian Children with Sickle Cell
      Anaemia at 1.5T – Philippa Sha (UCL)
    • 15:10 In vivo measurements of tibiofemoral knee articular cartilage electrical conductivity in a
      healthy patient cohort by ME-EPT – Pablo Argote (University of Colorado Boulder)
  • 15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break (Underground hallway)
  • 16:00 – 18:10 Joint session (moderated by: Xu Li and Cristian Tejos, Multipurpose room)
  • 16:00 – 16:50 Power pitches (2 min each, for all accepted traditional posters)
    See schedule for poster presentations at Annex 1, below
  • 16:50 – 18:10 Groundbreaking submissions (Oral presentations):
    • 16:50 Stack-of-Spiral Cardiac Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in One Breath-Hold for
      Differential Heart Chamber Blood Oxygenation – Jiahao Li* (Cornell University)
    • 17:10 Feasibility of Thin-slab Susceptibility Source Separation in Human Brain – Alan Wilman
      (University of Alberta)
    • 17:30 QSM based characterization of different kidney stone types and sizes: an ex vivo
      phantom study – Lion Muecke (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
    • 17:50 Removing the Effect of BOLD Magnitude Signal Changes from Functional Electrical
      Properties Tomography (fEPT) – Jierong Luo (University College London)
  • 18:10 – 18:30 Traditional Poster set-up & open floor (Underground hallway)
Thursday 26th September – Technical development focus
  • 8:30 – 10:30 Parallel sessions on
    QSM: Technical developments (Oral presentations, moderated by: Xu Li and Simon Robinson,
    Multipurpose room)
    • 8:30 Bi-parametric Joint Label Fusion: A Comprehensive Segmentation Tool for Deep Gray
      Matter in QSM – Fahad Salman (University at Buffalo)
    • 8:50 Orientation dependency of white matter magnetic susceptibility with the QUASAR model – Thomas Jochmann (Technische Universität Ilmenau)
    • 9:10 A Deep Learning based Harmonic Field Extension in SMWI with Reduced Spatial
      Coverage: Feasibility Study – Siyun Jung (Yonsei University, Korea)
    • 9:30 Automatic Chamber Segmentation for Cardiac Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping –
      Jiahao Li* (Cornell University)
    • 9:50 Motion-robust, high-resolution fetal T2*-weighted imaging from 2D EPI – Beata Bachrata
      (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences)
    • 10:10 Oxygen Extraction Fraction (OEF) Estimation using U-net Trained with Synthetically
      Generated Multi Gradient Echo Data – Mert Sisman (Weill Cornell Medicine)
  • ETP: Challenge results (moderated by: Stefano Mandija, R28 room)
    • 8:30 Recap of EPT recon challenge design and presentation of results – Stefano Mandija
      (University Medical Center Utrecht)
    • 9:30 Announcement of winners of EPT recon challenge and presentations from winners about
      adopted methods.
  • 10:30 – 11:30 Posters session 1 + coffee break (Underground hallway)
  • 11:30 – 13:30 Parallel sessions on
    QSM: Source Separation and Phase models (Oral presentations, moderated by: Yi Wang and Cristian
    Tejos, Multipurpose room)
    • 11:30 DeepSepSTI-R2*: R2-Free Anisotropic Susceptibility Source Separation in Susceptibility
      Tensor Imaging with Deep Learning – Xu Li on behalf of Zhenghan Fang (Johns Hopkins
    • 11:50 Systematic analysis of relaxometric constants in brain tissue using temperature-dependent
      transverse relaxometry and magnetic susceptibility: Toward 7T chi-separation – Hyeong-Geol
      Shin (Johns Hopkins University)
    • 12:10 QSM in the presence of nondipolar phase shifts – Thomas Jochmann (Technische
      Universität Ilmenau)
    • 12:30 Comparison of Susceptibility Source Separation Methods without R2 – Patrick Fuchs
      (University College London)
    • 12:50 Investigating the correspondence between the paramagnetic component of brain magnetic
      susceptibility and iron distribution – Fábio Seiji Otsuka (University of São Paulo)
    • 13:10 Importance of R2 accuracy for susceptibility separation methods – Tereza Beatriz Oliveira
      Assunção (University of Alberta)
      ETP: Guidelines and technologies (Guided discussion and oral presentations, moderated by: Stefano
      Mandija and Dong-Huyn Kim, R28 room)
    • 11:30 Discussion of corresponding EPT guideline papers planned.
    • 12:30 A fast method for B1+ predictions from measured data to evaluate Electrical Properties
      Tomography reconstruction – Thierry Meerbothe (UMC Utrecht)
    • 12:50 Mitigation of artefacts arising from the Transceive Phase Assumption in Electrical
      Properties Tomography – Ulrich Katscher on behalf of Christian Findeklee (Philips Research
    • 13:10 Low Frequency Electrical Conductivities Predicted by Diffusion Microstructure Methods – Rosalind Sadleir (Arizona State University)
  • 13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
  • 14:30 – 16:00 Parallel session on “Discussions about…”
    QSM: Beyond bulk susceptibility (Invited talk and discussion panel, moderated by: Alan Wilman and
    Ferdinand Schweser, Multipurpose room)
    • 14:30 Beyond bulk susceptibility: Source separation, non-dipole compatible phase
      contributions, microstructure, and more – Chunlei Liu (University of California, Berkeley)
    • 15:15 Discussion panel. Invited additional panelists: Thomas Jochmann, Anders Sandgaard,
      Alexei Dimov, Xu Li and Hyeong-Geol Shin
      ETP: Late breaking issues in ETP mapping (moderated by: Ulrich Katscher, R28 room)
  • 16:00 – 17:00 Poster session 2 + coffee break (Underground hallway)
  • 17:00 – 18:30 Joint session on Discussion about: Are Deep Learning techniques delivering on
    their promises? (Invited talks and discussion panel, moderated by: Jongho Lee and Pascal
    Spincemaille, Multipurpose room)
    • 17:00 QSM state of the art and challenges – Pascal Spincemaille (Cornell University)
    • 17:15 ETP state of the art and challenges – Kyu-Jin Jung (Yonsei University)
    • 17:30 Deep Learning on cardiac and Low Field applications; experiences at the Millenium
      Institute for Intelligent Healthcare Engineering (i-Health) – Claudia Prieto (Pontificia
      Universidad Catolica de Chile)
    • 17:45 Physics Informed Neural Networks and the future of the field – Francisco Sahli
      (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
    • 18:00 Discussion panel: Invited additional panelists: Mert Sisman.
  • 19:00 Steering committee meeting (R28 room)
Friday 27th September – Clinical applications focus
  • 8:30 – 10:30 Joint session on Clinical applications 1 (Oral presentations, moderated by: Sina
    Straub and Khin Khin Tha, Multipurpose room)
    • 8:30 On the Sensitivity of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Clinical Brain Research –
      Fahad Salman (University at Buffalo)
    • 8:50 Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic Susceptibility as a Novel Possible Biomarker for Assessing
      Striatal Dopaminergic Pathway Dysfunction in Prodromal Alpha-Synuclein Disease – Oliver
      Kiersnowski (IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino)
    • 9:10 Mapping cell density with DECOMPOSE-QSM in healthy brain tissues and glioblastoma –
      Giulia Debiasi (University of California)
    • 9:30 Susceptibility- and structure-based investigation of deep gray matter in common types of
      degenerative cerebellar ataxias – Andreas Deistung (University Hospital Halle)
    • 9:50 MRI quantification of liver fibrosis using diamagnetic susceptibility: An ex-vivo feasibility
      study – Chao Li* (Weill Cornell Medicine)
    • 10:10 Investigating Prostate Cancer Using QSM In Vivo – Karin Shmueli on behalf of Laxmi
      Muralidharan (University College London)
  • 10:30 – 11:30 Poster session 3 + coffee break
  • 11:30 – 12:00 Joint session on Clinical applications 2 (moderated by: Sina Straub and Simon
    Robinson, Multipurpose room)
    Invited talk on ETP clinical applications
    • 11:30 Overview of ETP-based clinical studies – Khin Khin Tha (Hokkaido University)
      Oral presentations
    • 12:00 Haematocrit-Corrected QSM + qBOLD Reveals Globally Elevated Brain Oxygen
      Extraction Fraction in Sickle Cell Anaemia – Mitchel Lee (University College London)
    • 12:20 Quantitative susceptibility mapping as a novel biomarker of hemorrhage and renal
      function decline in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease – Alexey Dimov (Weill
      Cornell Medicine)
    • 12:40 Automated Deep-Learning-Enabled Segmentation of Intraprostatic Gold Fiducial
      Markers in the Presence of Calcification for MR-only Radiotherapy Planning – Ashley Stewart
      (The University of Queensland)
  • 13:00 – 13:30 Talks from Sponsors
    • 13:00 United Imaging Healthcare – Dr. Yongquan Ye
    • 13:20 Philips – Ramin Jafari
    • 13:30 Siemens – Jin Jin
  • 13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
  • 14:30 – 16:00 Joint session on Functional EMTP methods (Oral presentations, moderated by:
    Dong-Hyun Kim and Karin Shmueli, Multipurpose room)
    • 14:30 Impact of Respiratory and Cardiac Physiological Noise Correction on EPI Phase Image
      Timeseries for functional QSM – Mauro Costagli (University of Genova, Genova, Italy)
    • 14:48 Characterizing the Temporal Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Simultaneous Functional MRI,
      QSM and EPT – Jierong Luo (University College London)
    • 15:06 Feasibility of laminar functional quantitative susceptibility mapping – Sina Straub (Mayo
    • 15:24 Exploring functional MRI, B1 phase, and conductivity changes using phase-based EPT: A
      Comparative Study with Simulations – Kyu-Jin Jung (Yonsei University)
    • 15:42 fQSM versus fMRI: A Comparative Analysis of Activations in Veins – Jannette Nassar*
  • 16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break (Underground hallway) and Voting on Presentation Awards
    Use QR code on display in the Multipurpose room!
  • 16:30 – 18:30 Closing session (moderated by: Mauro Costagli, Theater)
    • 16:30 EPT Challenge – Stefano Mandija (Utrech University)
    • 17:15 QSM consensus. Report on publications and discuss future goals and challenges –
      Ferdinand Schweser (Buffalo)
    • 17:40 QSM-CI: An automated continuous QSM challenge – Ashley Stewart (The University of
    • 18:00 Awards – Cristian Tejos, Co-chair (PUC)
    • 18:20 Workshop balance and next location announcement. – Carlos Milovic, Chair (PUC)
  • 19:00 Closing event / Farewell party (Central plaza – Ground floor)

Annex: Traditional Poster Schedule

Each poster session is divided into two 30-minute blocks (A and B).

  • Impact of Regularization Parameter Choice on Real-World Sensitivity of QSM. – Fahad Salman
    (University at Buffalo). Session: 1A 3B
  • Exploiting the polysemic nature of the voxel aspect ratio for dimensionality reduction in deep
    learning based QSM dipole inversion with adaptive convolution. – Simon Graf (University
    Hospital Halle (Saale)). Session: 2B 3B
  • Transformer-Based Super-Resolution of χ-separation Maps with Anisotropic Voxel Leveraging
    In-Plane High-Resolution Information and Uncertainty Estimation. – Hayeon Lee* (Seoul
    National University). Session: 2B 3A
  • Comparison of χ-separation results for different methods for obtaining R2’. – Chungseok Oh
    (Seoul National University). Session: 2A 3A
  • Single-Orientation Susceptibility Anisotropy Imaging. – Thomas Jochmann
    (Technische Universität Ilmenau). Session: 2B 3A
  • Predicting Mesoscopic Larmor Frequency Shifts in White Matter with Diffusion MRI – An In
    Silico Monte-Carlo Study. – Anders Sandgaard (Aarhus University). Session: 1B 3A
  • Exploring flow-induced displacement artifacts for vessel artifacts in 𝝌-separation. – Taechang
    Kim (Seoul National University). Session: 1A 1B
  • Single-training physics-informed u-net for dipole inversion. – Hangwei Zhuang* (Cornell
    University). Session: 2A 3B
  • Synthesized Histology Images of Myelin and Iron Stainings from 7T Multi-Contrast MRI. –
    Sutatip Pittayapong (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences). Session: 3A 3B
  • χ-separation (chi-separation) toolbox v1.0: updates compared to the beta version and advanced
    functionalities. – Sooyeon Ji* (Seoul National University). Session: 1A 2B
  • Multi-Echo Multi-Volume Field Mapping for Computationally Efficient Structural QSM. –
    Patrick Fuchs (University College London). Session: 2A 2B
  • Susceptibility source separation algorithms in postmortem human brain: A comparison study. –
    Carlos Ernesto Garrido Salmon on behalf of José Henrique Monteiro de Azevedo (University of
    São Paulo). Session: 1A 2A
  • Temperature Effects in the Magnetism of Paramagnetic Species in Brain Tissue Sample: An
    EPR Study. – André Avanzine (University of São Paulo). Session: 1B 2A
  • Radiomic Prediction of Parkinson’s Disease Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Motor and
    Nonmotor Outcomes using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping. – Alexandra Roberts* (Cornell
    University). Session: 1B 2B
  • Magnetic Susceptibility Source Separation in the Head and Neck: Comparing Gradient Echo
    Methods. – Matthew Cherukara (University College London). Session: 1A 3A
  • Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) as a biomarker for neurodegeneration after
    repeated Traumatic Brain Injury (rTBI). – Carly Skudin (Weill Cornell Medicine). Session: 1B 3B
  • Interpretable Machine Learning Model for Characterizing Magnetic Susceptibility-based
    Biomarkers in First Episode Psychosis. Cristian Montalba on behalf of Pamela Franco
    (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile). Session: 2B 3A
  • Fast and High-Resolution Whole Brain SWI and QSM with CAIPIRINHA 3D-EPI and Deep
    Learning Reconstruction. Jin Jin (Siemens Healthcare Pty). Session: 1B 2A
  • Evaluation of the diamagnetic and paramagnetic maps of the Locus Coeruleus. Fábio Seiji
    Otsuka (HC-FMUSP). Session: 1A 3B
  • On the validity of the QSM-specific Structural Similarity Index Measure (XSIM) for abdominal
    QSM. Javier Silva (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile). Session: 2A 3B
  • Conformal Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping. Mathias Lambert (Pontificia Universidad
    Catolica de Chile). Session: 1B 3B
  • Impact of angulated acquisitions in QSM reconstructions. Nestor Muñoz (Pontificia
    Universidad Catolica de Chile). Session: 1A 2A

* The first author of this presentation is unable to attend and will be replaced by another presenter from
their group

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